Seven Oaks Academy

About Seven Oaks Academy

Our Mission

The mission of Seven Oaks Academy is to provide an education which helps students discover the Joy which proceeds from a genuine search for the Truth of Christ.

There are three major elements contained with the Seven Oaks mission statement. One is "education" - the nature of the work that we do is education. Another element is "joy" - education should be joyful. Humans are curious and thirsty for knowledge, and the search for understanding and truth should bring a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The third element is Christ - because Christ is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, and when a person genuinely seeks the Truth, he or she will find Christ.

Large Logo
Our logo features a trinity of oak leaves representing the virtues of Wisdom, Courage, and Compassion as well as the Holy Spirit, Christ our Savior, and our Heavenly Father. Connected to those leaves are four acorns, which represent the virtues of Industry, Discipline, Hope, and Humility.

What's In A Name?

The Origin of Seven Oaks

Throughout history, oak trees have served as symbols of strength and permanence. Standing for hundreds of years, through even the strongest of storms, oak trees often serve as markers - both landmarks for travelers and remembrances for historical events. They play a prominent role in American lore, in particular - from the Constitution Oak in Connecticut to the oaken sides of the USS Constitution, nicknamed Old Ironsides for the way cannon balls bounced from its wooden hull. The mighty oak is the pillar around which the forest grows.

Oaks also are recognized as having divine connections. In mythology, they are associated with the gods of thunder - Zeus and Jupiter, in Classical mythology, and Thor from the Norse tradition. On his arrival in the land of Canaan, Abram pitched his tent beneath the oaks of Mamre, where he went on to build an altar to the Lord.

Those connections - to strength, permanence, and divinity - make oak trees the ideal symbol for the pillars of our Western Civilization - which are, in truth, the values and principles taught by the Catholic faith. Those principles are articulated in various ways, but those expressions always revolve around the number seven - from the Seven Cardinal Virtues to the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It is with those influences in mind that we chose the name Seven Oaks Academy - a school dedicated to providing our youth with an education grounded in the strong, permanent pillars which lie at the heart of both our Western and our Catholic heritage.